Holocaust Survivor speaks to RLHS Students

Racine Lutheran High School students listened to first-person stories told by Mendel (Manny) Chulew, a Jewish immigrant from Poland who survived the Holocaust.  Chulew was featured at the school’s quarterly CLASH assembly. CLASH stands for Changing Lives And Serving Him, and it allows speakers from the community to share personal experiences with the students.

Mr. Chulew and his daughter, Natalie Chulew, posed for a picture with RLHS teacher Nick Gasau and students Liz Nelson, Lydia Balke, Sophia Drager, Andrea Mares and Niko Burton.

RLHS - Chulew group

Accompanied by his daughter, Natalie Chulew, Holocaust survivor Manny Chulew shared memories from his childhood with the RLHS students.

RLHS - Chulew presentation