Handymen needed at the Douglas Avenue Thrift Shop

Handymen are needed for the Douglas Avenue Thrift Shop!  As we work to give the Thrift Shop a makeover, we are in need of volunteers who can paint, drywall, clean carpets, move boxes, etc.  If you are able to help or would like to learn more, please contact Mindie at 859-539-6630.  She will coordinate the projects, workers and dates.  Evening and weekend shifts will be scheduled to accommodate the volunteers’ availability.  Hours will count toward your family service hours.  Thank you!



Congratulations to Hilarie Nigro – October Student of the Month

Racine Lutheran High School announces junior Hilarie Nigro has been selected as the Student of the Month for October. The student of the month award is nominated by faculty. Students are nominated in light of the 2016-17 school year theme, “I Have Called You by Name”.

The nominating teacher shared:  Hilarie is consistently respectful, reliable and compassionate. She challenges herself to earn good grades, always has her work in on time and puts in a great deal of effort inside and outside of the classroom. She goes the extra mile to help her fellow classmates and teachers, making sure those around her feel cared for and accepted. Hilarie is the epitome one of our respect-focused Bible verses which reads: “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”




Join us! Trip to England!

Come with us to England!  Racine Lutheran High School is planning a trip to London, Paris, Florence and Rome from July 9 until 18, 2018.  Visit eftours.com/1921540SZ or contact Mr. Gullicksrud at tgullicksrud@RacineLutheran.org.   (Note – this is a second European trip.  Mr. Gasau has planned the 2017 WWII trip.)  All are welcome!  Early discount runs through November.


Weekly News – November 7, 2016

Hello and Happy November!

The latest Weekly News is attached for your convenience.  weekly-news-november-7-2016-pdf
We hope you enjoyed the gorgeous weekend.  Thanks to everyone who supported our Harvest Fair!
This is also a great opportunity for us to thank our “Lunch Ladies” for taking such good care of us each and every day.  Last week, we celebrated Grandma Carol’s birthday, including cake for all of our students and a zip-lining gift certificate for Carol. A HUGE THANK YOU to Grandma Carol, Mrs. Aumann, Mrs. Curran, and Ms. Schulz. We appreciate you!