Thank you, and Happy New Year!

Thank you for partnering with RLHS during 2017.  Your support is crucial to our ongoing success.

With just hours to go before the New Year begins, prayerfully consider making a year-end donation.  Take advantage of the current tax laws while you benefit the students of Racine Lutheran High School.

Whether you are a regular contributor or this is your first donation, and whether you are able to give $5 or $5,000, YOU are VITAL to our school and our students!

Giving is easier than ever and only takes a few minutes. To make your private, secure and tax-deductible donation, simply click here:


If you prefer, you can visit our website at  Click on the ‘purple star’ to make a donation with your credit card or click on the PayPal image to send your donation through your PayPal account.  You may also send your check directly to the school (251 Luedtke Ave., Racine, WI 53405).

Thank you for your generosity, and Happy 2018!

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