Weekly News – April 27, 2020

Hello All! 
The latest Weekly News is attached for your convenience.  
Although we are making the best of our current situation, this is not an easy time for anyone.  Some of our families have been directly impacted by the COVID-19 crisis.  Please continue to stay safe!!  Show respect to those around you, and by all means, keep praying for each other.
Thank you! 

Celebrate our Seniors!

Look at all those beautiful faces!!! We miss our students! As we enter the final month of this school year, we invite you to help us celebrate our seniors!  Each day during the next few weeks, we will post our featured seniors on Facebook – Racine Lutheran High School Admissions!  Keep them in your prayers as they complete the high school journey in a way we never imagined!  Enjoy!  Class of 2020 – We are proud of you!