Due to the snow and high winds, road conditions force us to close school today, Tuesday, Jan. 26.  No virtual classes today.   

Schedule updates:  Wednesday (27) will be a Purple Day, Thursday (28) and Friday (29) will be Gold Days.  Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday will be in-person learning.  

Enjoy the snow day!

The 9th HOUR starts Jan. 25

The teachers and staff at Racine Lutheran High School want to see every student graduate with a love for God and their neighbor.  We want to see students go on to be successful workers, leaders, and family members.

To graduate from RLHS, a student must earn 25.5 credits.  Passing a semester course is worth a half (.5) credit. Passing both semesters of a yearlong course earns 1 credit. To graduate, a student needs to pass:

4 credits of Theology (4 years)

4 credits of English (4 years)

3 credits of Math (3 years)

3 credits of Science (3 years)

3 credits of Social Studies (3 years)

1.5 credits of PE (3 semesters)

.5 credit of Health (1 semester)

1 credit of Fine Arts/Music/Industrial Arts (2 semesters)

.5 credit in technology (1 semester)

5 credits of electives (can be in many different disciplines)

All equaling 25.5 credits (minimum requirement). 

Failing a required course can put graduation in jeopardy.  If a student fails several courses and can no longer earn enough credits to graduate, he/she will lose the privilege of being enrolled at RLHS. 

The teachers and staff at RLHS do not want this to happen.  Out of concern for students who are failing a course, we announce a new initiative called:  9th Hour

This 9th Hour study period will be held after school from 2:30 until 3:15 p.m. with the teacher of the class the student is failing. 

The 9th Hour begins on Monday, Jan. 25, at 2:30 p.m.

Beginning this Friday and continuing every Friday, teachers will run an “F” list.  If a student is on that list for one or more classes, he/she will be required to attend 9th Hour on the appropriate day(s) the following week. 

Here is the designated schedule:

Monday – Math   

Tuesday – Science

Wednesday – English or Spanish

Thursday – Social Studies or any other courses

If a student is required to attend, the family is responsible for transportation home.  The student should leave the building promptly at 3:15 p.m.  If a student is involved in an after-school activity or sport, he/she may not attend that activity until the help session is over.  When the student achieves a passing grade, he/she will no longer be required to attend the 9th Hour.  

We are grateful for your cooperation and for the extra time and effort being put forth by our faculty.  We believe the 9th Hour initiative will be successful, and our students will benefit from the program.

If you have any concerns, you may contact me at or Mr. Justin Haun, Dean of Students, at  

Dave Burgess

Executive Director-Principal