Mission & Values
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

At Racine Lutheran High School, our mission is to guide and inspire our students in their journey of faith, learning, character, and leadership. We are committed to nurturing each student’s relationship with Jesus Christ while providing a comprehensive education that prepares them for a life of service to God and others. Our core values reflect our belief in the power of faith-based education to transform lives, fostering a community where every student is encouraged to grow spiritually, academically, and morally. United by this mission, our school community works together to cultivate leaders who are prepared to make a positive impact in the world.

Our Mission
Racine Lutheran High School’s mission is to guide our youth in faith, learning, character, and leadership by nurturing their relationship with Jesus Christ and educating them for a life of service to God and man.
Our Values
Jesus Christ died for our sins so that we may have eternal life. Because of this, all who are associated with Racine Lutheran High School share the following values as they work with each member of our school community.
- Nurture a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer and devotion.
- Equip each student to live and share the Gospel through the study of God’s Word.
- Create engaging educational opportunities to expand each student’s growth, recognizing his/her individual needs and abilities.
- Develop the home and school partnership by establishing avenues of communication to strengthen learning.
- Provide a safe and caring environment.
- Instill the desire for lifelong learning in each member of the school community.
- Promote Christian qualities of respect, honesty, loyalty, responsibility, perseverance, and purity.
- Expect the highest standards of performance from each person in the RLHS community.
- Recognize that by God’s grace, each individual has been given unique skills and abilities.
- Guide each individual to develop skills to serve and lead.
- Empower each individual for lifelong service to God and man.