Celebrate our Seniors!

Look at all those beautiful faces!!! We miss our students! As we enter the final month of this school year, we invite you to help us celebrate our seniors!  Each day during the next few weeks, we will post our featured seniors on Facebook – Racine Lutheran High School Admissions!  Keep them in your prayers as they complete the high school journey in a way we never imagined!  Enjoy!  Class of 2020 – We are proud of you!

Weekly News – March 30, 2020

Wow!  What a week!  Thank you for your ongoing patience, cooperation, flexibility and prayers. 
The latest Weekly News is attached for your convenience. 

If you are having any concerns with your online lessons, please contact each teacher directly.  https://www.racinelutheran.org/faculty-staff/  Technology concerns can be directed to Mr. Tuskowski at ptuskowski@RacineLutheran.org. 
As always, you are welcome to contact Mr. Burgess at dburgess@RacineLutheran.org with additional concerns. 
Please continue to frequently monitor your emails for information and inspiration! 
Thank you! 

Are you getting our emails?

Online lessons start today (Wednesday, March 25).  A few students report they are not receiving our important emails.  Please check your emails.  Tell your friends to check their emails.  If you are not seeing them, please check your All Mail or Spam folders or check your settings to make sure you are not blocking group emails.  If you still are not seeing the emails, please let us know.  sdrummond@RacineLutheran.org.  Thank you!


Dear Students and Parents,

Tomorrow, March 25, marks an incredibly historic day at Racine Lutheran High School.  Our students will be attending school, but it will not be at 251 Luedtke Avenue. 

Due to the mandated closure of all K-12 schools in Wisconsin, our classrooms and hallways will be empty.  Yet, our faculty and staff remain fully committed to our mission to guide our youth in faith, learning, character and leadership by nurturing their relationship with Jesus Christ and educating them for a life of service to God and man.

Tomorrow, we will launch an online education plan.  Students will be expected to go to their school email address and follow the instructions from their teachers. The weekly course schedule is listed below, and it notes the times the teachers for each of your classes will be available for instruction, group conversations, and questions.  It is required that you are available during these times.  It may help if you think of this schedule as your new bell schedule.  Please note the information listed below will help you make the most of this virtual education experience.  Don’t worry!  Your teachers are here to guide you!

We want to continue to serve you in every way possible.  We appreciate your patience as we are doing the best that we can under these circumstances.  Let us come together in prayer that our Lord will graciously end this sickness and bring us together again as brothers and sisters in Christ.

God Be With You,

Dave Burgess

Executive Director-Principal

The New Online Schedule

Monday and Wednesday

9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.        Math

12:00 – 3:00  p.m.                Science

Tuesday and Thursday

9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.        English

12:00 – 3:00 p.m.                 Social Studies


9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.        Art, Industrial Arts, Spanish, Technology

12:00 – 3:00  p.m.                Music, PE, Theology

We are also going to use our Theology class as a time for students to focus on our loving God and have the opportunity to share their thoughts.  Pastor Schimm will make chapel services available for students each week.  Mr. Jones and Ms. Stephenson will also be available via email to assist with student concerns.

The most efficient way to contact a faculty or staff member is to go to our school website.  https://www.racinelutheran.org/faculty-staff  We will not be answering the school phone or using voice messaging while our school is closed.

If you are having trouble reaching the online options, you may find assistance by emailing your teacher.  If your teacher cannot resolve the concern, please contact Mr. Tuskowski at ptuskowski@racinelutheran.org

From the Deans of Students – Mr. Haun and Mr. Bickel

Due to the circumstances of COVID-19 (coronavirus), we are not able to interact with our students one-on-one and work with them in our preferred method as we try to help them resolve conflict in a positive way.  You may think it is not a big deal since we are not in the building for a period of time, but it is very important.  Unfortunately, we have already learned students can display bad attitudes and actions in different forms and places.  Here are some things we are asking parents to do:

  1. Demand and expect that your child is checking his/her emails and Facebook to keep up with assignments from teachers and current school news.  Have your child show you his/her work.  If needed, set a study time for him/her to ensure the work is being done. 
  2. Monitor very closely your child’s use of social media.  Making videos, posting or texting negative things about the school or fellow students should not only be unacceptable to the school, but also to you as parents.  Make sure both you and your child know that if we receive information about this type of activity, we will follow up with appropriate discipline when school resumes.  If you are made aware of a situation, please send screen shots or factual evidence to Mr. Haun at jhaun@RacineLutheran.org and Mr. Bickel at                          nbickel@RacineLutheran.org.

Remember, once you post things on social media they never go away.  

We want EVERY student who attends RLHS to feel safe inside and outside of our school.  We hope to encourage everyone to band together during this difficult time and discourage any behavior that pushes people out.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Yearbook Information – Mrs. Porter and Ms. Menk

SENIORS – Please send back the senior questionnaire for the yearbook.  An email was sent to you last week containing another copy of the questions which you can answer online and send back.  You can also mail the paper copy you were given by Mr. Bruening (follow the instructions in the email). Also, a few have not sent in childhood/candid pictures for the yearbook (at least 3 pictures needed).  Do this now!  Contact jporter@RacineLutheran.org.

YEARBOOKS are still being produced.  If you have not ordered yours, please order ASAP.  Contact jporter@RacineLutheran.org for more information.   

Thank you!

We look forward to this new adventure, but also to the day when we can all convene back here at RLHS.  Thank you for your ongoing support and cooperation!   


Thank you for your patience and cooperation during this challenging time.  As we learned again this morning, the COVID-19 situation and state guidelines continue to change.  We also continue to modify our plans, based on these mandates.

Please frequently monitor your emails and other RLHS social media outlets for ongoing announcements and updates.  Please also reach out to your friends to make sure they are aware of this time-sensitive plan.  Spread the word – not germs!

Today – Monday – We will allow students to access their lockers.  (See below)

Tuesday – Details will be shared via email about our plan to move forward with learning.

Wednesday – Online learning scheduled to begin.


The following procedure is implemented for students to come to school and pick up books and locker items to assist them in online learning.  We will follow all local government’s safety directives regarding COVID-19.  

TODAY!!!  Monday, March 23, the school will be open for students to pick up books and any paperwork teachers have prepared.  Please follow the schedule for the correct time for your child to come to the school.  We will meet students in the parking lot by Door #6 and give directions when they can enter the building.  We will be taking attendance as the students enter, so we know who has come in to pick up material. (We are limiting the number to 10 students in the building at a time.)  The earlier you arrive in the time slot listed, the more it will help us stay on schedule.  We ask that parents do not enter the building, but stay in their cars and wait for the child to exit the building.

  1. IF YOUR CHILD IS SICK OR IS FEELING SYMPTOMS OF ILLNESS, PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW THEM TO COME TO THE SCHOOL TO PICK UP BOOKS.  Email the school, and let us know your child is ill.  Email sdrummond@RacineLutheran.org.  (Please  do not call the school.)
  2. When students come to the building, we expect them to go straight to their lockers and empty the contents of their locker into a backpack that they may bring or a plastic bag that is supplied by the school.  (Take everything – do not sort locker content at this time.)  PLEASE AVOID TOUCHING ANY SURFACES OTHER THAN YOUR LOCKER.  To move this process along quickly and efficiently,  students should not hang around to interact socially but will leave the building and grounds as quickly as possible.  Please practice “6-foot social distancing” when inside the building.
  3. Any paperwork that teachers may have for students can be picked up in the Commons as the students exit. You may also pick up any medication that you have in the Main Office.
  4. Following, you will find alphabetical listings of students who will be allowed to enter the building at the times designated.  (If you have an emergency situation, please contact the school via email  at sdrummond@RacineLutheran.org and an alternate time for your child to come up to school will be sent to you in a reply.)


Students should ONLY come during the time assigned alphabetically.  If an emergency prevents you from doing this, please email the school  at sdrummond@RacineLutheran.org stating your emergency, and we will get back to you with an alternate pickup time.

TODAY!!!  MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2020

2:00 – 2:30pm           Allen – Burke

2:40 – 3:10pm           Burns – Eckman

3:20 – 3:50pm           Erickson – Gomez

4:00 – 4:30pm           Gonzalez – Ibarra

4:40 – 5:10pm           Iruegas – Lopez

5:20 – 5:50pm           Lucareli – Niemiec

6:00 – 6:30pm           Oates – Rosborough

6:40 – 7:10pm           Rosenburg – Solis

7:20 – 7:50pm           Song – Walek

8:00 – 8:30pm           Walker – Zurawski