
There are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone.

1 Corinthians 12:5-6

Racine Lutheran High School Clubs
Racine Lutheran High School is committed to fostering the development of the whole person within each student. Our co-curricular clubs and activities reinforce the faith, knowledge, character, and leadership our dedicated faculty instills in our students through their instruction. Below is a list of the numerous opportunities available to students at Racine Lutheran.

Art Club

The Art Club is designed to give students an after-school opportunity to stay integrated in the culture of artists at Racine Lutheran and within the community. Students will be provided with chances to meet local artists, attend local events, partner in projects, and simply spend time making art outside the classroom.

Athletic Teams

Athletic participation is an extension of the classroom where students learn the values of dedication, leadership, focus, and teamwork. To learn more about athletic opportunities at Racine Lutheran, click on “Athletics” in the main menu.

Audio-visual Club

Audio-Visual Club acquaints students with live production and sound. Students have the opportunity to learn industry-level broadcast programs and develop their creative niche for film, television, music, or other audio-visual projects. Audio-Visual Club runs our daily news broadcast “the 251.”

Drama Club

Drama club is designed to allow students to act on stage, learn set construction, make-up, and lighting, and become backstage helpers. At least one play is performed per year, usually in the fall. As interest grows and time is available, more plays may be produced. Rehearsal schedules vary based on student activities and gym availability. Find out more at the Drama Page.

Fishing (Fall/Spring)

RLHS is located right along Racine’s Root River. During the fall and spring months, students interested in fishing take to the outdoors to have fun while they learn about patience, problem-solving, and friendly competition.

Musical Groups

All students may try out for any of the following musical groups when offered: Strings, Jazz Band, Handbells, Praise Team, Brass Ensemble, Flute Choir, Percussion Ensemble, Woodwind Ensemble, and Musical Theatre. More information can be found on the Music Page.

National Honor Society

The members are selected based on academics, leadership, service, and character. Members are asked to assist with various activities throughout the school year.

Pickleball Club

Introducing the Pickleball Club at RLHS! This exciting new club offers students a fun way to stay active, learn the fast-growing sport of pickleball, and connect with friends. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, the Pickleball Club welcomes all skill levels. Join us to develop your athletic skills, enjoy friendly competition, and be part of a supportive and energetic community. Let’s paddle up and play!

Quiz Bowl

Teams consisting of four students compete with other teams in a round-robin format. Matches are held weekly during homeroom and consist of questions taken from literature, history, sports, science, and the Bible. A year-end tournament is held in May.

RLHS 31:30

This young women’s Bible study/youth group encourages students to meet outside of school hours to talk about real-life problems in a Biblical way. The RLHS 31:30 group name is based on Proverbs 31:30 “Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”

Sader Strength

Students participate in a program designed to maximize their athletic potential through speed, resistance, and aerobic training.

Service Club

Students with a heart to serve others can participate in a variety of volunteer activities including cleanups, food drives, serving meals at homeless shelters, and other service projects throughout the year.

Social Media Club

The Social Media Club will work with school groups to create graphics and promotions for the different social media accounts. Students will learn how to navigate programs, like Canva, to assemble and create graphics.

Sports Leadership

In the Sports Leadership group, students read and analyze the book, “The Power of a Positive Team” by Jon Gordon, in addition to discussing current topics on sports leadership.

Student Ambassadors

Students in this club assist in recruiting prospective students by sharing their time and ideas. The club consists of students who are interested in promoting the positive, Christian image of RLHS. Some activities include grade school visits, working at Open House, guiding potential students, and helping at various RLHS-sponsored grade school events.

Student Council

The Student Council consists of an Executive Committee and student representatives from the four classes. The council sponsors school dances, homecoming, and other social events. They also participate in voluntary community projects, especially those helping the needy.

Travel Club

Various travel experiences may be set up for students interested in traveling to different parts of the state, country, or world. Our most recent international trip was a tour of Costa Rica. Our next tour will be visiting Europe to explore and learn more about WWII & the Western Front (England, France, Belgium, Germany).

Unplug & Reconnect (Fall/Spring)

Come and spend time outside walking and talking with friends! Reconnect face to face without electronics while enjoying God’s creation.

Weightlifting Club (Winter)

The Weightlifting Club allows students to build strength and get/stay fit during our colder Wisconsin winter months. Students can lift, condition, and focus on their health without traveling to a gym.

Yearbook Club

The CITADEL, which is RLHS’s yearbook, is an annual publication. Students write articles, layout pages, take photographs, and solicit advertising.
Racine Lutheran High School Audio Visual Club
Racine Lutheran High School Fishing Club
Racine Lutheran High School Pickelball Club
Racine Lutheran High School National Honor Society
Racine Lutheran High School Clubs
Racine Lutheran High School Weight Lifting Club