Guidance Advising
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

The members of our guidance department are well-equipped professionals who guide our students as they navigate the high school years and prepare for the future. They assist and advise students about academic opportunities and obligations, as well as personal challenges and celebrations.
Guidance Counselors
- Tracey Juga is the contact for juniors and seniors. She can be contacted by email or by phone at 262.637.6538 ext. 109.
- Jaelle Charpentier is the contact for freshman and sophomores. She can be contacted by email or by phone at 262.637.6538 ext. 225.
Resource Team
The Resource Team strives to serve our students. This team meets on a weekly basis, or more often if situations dictate the need. Team members discuss any student concerns – academic, behavior, family situations, medical – and determine what, if any, interventions/responses are needed, and which team member or other designated faculty member is the best person to handle the situation. Faculty and staff members who notice any changes in behavior, hear of issues, experience frustrations or have any concern about a student or a situation are encouraged to reach out to one of the team members. Each situation is handled individually and confidentially, and schoolwide teamwork is expected as we work toward a good outcome. The Resource Team members include:
- Jason Block, Principal
- Tracey Juga, Guidance Counselor
- Jaelle Charpentier, Guidance Counselor
- Justin Hullum, Resource Coordinator
- Brian Smith, Dean of Students

Parents as Partners
Our parents and youth today face some serious challenges, and we, at Racine Lutheran High School, are committed to helping equip them to meet these challenges with knowledge and confidence. In 2019, we launched our Parents as Partners initiative. Our Resource Team joins in sessions with educators, parents and students to hear knowledgeable speakers explore components of living a healthy life and dealing with pertinent issues.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent-Teacher Conferences are held twice each school year. Collaboration with parents, teachers and students is integral.